About EOS

EOS is a smart contract platform for the deployment of DApps (decentralized applications). It is being developed by Block.one with Dan Larimer (CTO) as the leading force.

EOS uses delegated proof of stake (DPoS) to achieve consensus. In DPoS network participants delegate the responsibility of verifying transactions to elected witnesses.

EOS is different from Ethereum in that is has the ability to process things in parallel. This gives more scalability and faster transactions.

Trade EOS

Futures: Spot:

EOS development

Please see company website.


{{ price }} {{ daily_change_pct }}%

From ATH
{{ ath_change_pct }}%
Year to date
{{ ytd_change_pct }}%

{{ total_longs }} {{ symbol_longs_amount_pct_change }}%

USD lending rate
{{ usd_rate }}%
USD available
{{ usd_funding_available }}

{{ total_shorts }} {{ symbol_shorts_amount_pct_change }}%

EOS lending rate
{{ symbol_rate }}%
EOS available
{{ symbol_funding_available }}

EOS price & total long and short interest

Left Y: EOS total longs & shorts Right Y: Price USD {{ price }}

Mana vs. Pain

  • 24h health score

    Longs Shorts
    Pain {{ long_pain_24h }} {{ short_pain_24h }}
    Mana {{ long_mana_24h }} {{ short_mana_24h }}
  • 7d health score

    Longs Shorts
    Pain {{ long_pain_7d }} {{ short_pain_7d }}
    Mana {{ long_mana_7d }} {{ short_mana_7d }}
  • 14d health score

    Longs Shorts
    Pain {{ long_pain_14d }} {{ short_pain_14d }}
    Mana {{ long_mana_14d }} {{ short_mana_14d }}
Start staking from day one

Longs & USD interest rate

Left Y: USD daily interest rate Right Y: EOS longs

Shorts & EOS interest rate

Left Y: EOS daily interest rate Right Y: EOS shorts

Percent longs and shorts

Left Y: Percent short vs. long

Hedged and unhedged shorts

Left Y: EOS shorts

Today's sentiment changes (past 24h)

Left Y: EOS sentiment change

Bitfinex long & short liquidations past 14d

Left Y: EOS volume liquidated

Bitfinex total long & short liquidations (timeframe)

Left Y: EOS volume liquidated